Rebranding Your Church? Here’s The Mistake To Avoid

by | Aug 17, 2023 | Branding

So you’re thinking about getting a new logo for your church.

Cool. Swap some colors. Maybe try a new font. Do it in Canva.

Boom – done, yeah?


Rebranding your church is an investment. An investment of time, people, and resources.

After all, that new logo has to live in a lot of places after it’s created, right?

  • New street and/or building sign(s)
  • New stationery, brochures, and posters
  • New wayfinding signage
  • New website
  • New shirts, lanyards, pens, and more

So if you’re going to make a massive investment in replacing it, why would you skimp on the brand development itself?

Your church’s visual brand should be deeply personal, but it should not be reflective of your own preferences.

It should be a reflection of your DNA to your community – and, when done right, done in a way that resonates with your ideal audience.

The problem is I’ve seen so many churches DIY a new brand.

  • With no direction
  • No skill
  • No budget (well, budget for “all the things” except the logo…)

I understand sometimes you just have to make do with what you have. But so many times it’s a case of church leaders simply not knowing what they don’t know.

What you need is someone to help guide you in the right direction.

So what does a rebrand look like when it’s done right?

Well, I’d love to talk to you personally about that.

But here’s a hint, it starts with knowing who you are and getting a deep understanding of your ideal audience.

It’s more than just a picture – it’s the words that resonate with the people in your community that desperately need a church like yours.

The problem is, when you try to do it yourself you sometimes get an unintentional and generic logo. And that is enough of a roadblock to keep people from experiencing the living truth you share every Sunday.

Don’t try to do it yourself just to realize down the road that you missed the mark. You, your church, and your community deserve more than that.

We’d love to come alongside you to bring clarity to your community so they can see that YOUR church is here for THEM.

Schedule a time for us to talk:

I look forward to helping you share your story with your community


Want more tips on branding and sharing your story with? Follow @tylerdharden on Instagram or Twitter.